Блокировка пакетов при обновлении системы.

При попытке обновить систему с помощью (emerge -DNpv world) получаю блокировку одного пакета:
[blocks B ] =sys-devel/gcc-3.3* (is blocking app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat-1.0-r3)

Но у меня в системе установлен gcc-4.1.2, а gcc-3.3* никогда и не стояло:

define@deFINE ~ $ emerge -Cpv gcc

>>> These are the packages that would be unmerged:

!!! 'sys-devel/gcc' is part of your system profile.
!!! Unmerging it may be damaging to your system.

    selected: 4.1.2
   protected: none
     omitted: none

>>> 'Selected' packages are slated for removal.
>>> 'Protected' and 'omitted' packages will not be removed.

Пакет emul-linux-x86-compat я разобрал, но система все равно пытается его поставить, что приводит к блокировке пакета и прекращению обновления.

Подкскажите, пожалуйста, как решить эту проблему?

тут наоборот

тут наоборот вроде - кому-то нужет гцц33 ты -t добавь и посмотри кто кому нужен

В ебилдах не

В ебилдах не должны быть прописаны зависимости от определенных версий gcc, такова политика написания ебилдов. В частности из-за того, что если и вытянется другая версия, сборка на нее не переключится.
Так что если где-то прописали, можно в багзилу постить.

Получается так:

[ebuild  NS   ]   sys-devel/gcc-3.3.6-r1  USE="doc fortran gtk nls (-altivec) -bootstrap -boundschecking -build -gcj (-hardened) (-ip28) (-ip32r10k) (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -nopie -nossp -objc -test -vanilla" 23,534 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  dev-python/twisted-2.5.0  USE="crypt gtk* -serial"
[nomerge      ]   dev-python/pygtk-2.10.4  USE="doc opengl -examples"
[nomerge      ]    gnome-base/libglade-2.6.0  USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge      ]     dev-libs/atk-1.12.4  USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge      ]      dev-libs/glib-2.12.11  USE="doc -debug -hardened"
[ebuild     U ]       sys-libs/glibc-2.5-r3 [2.5-r2] USE="nls nptl nptlonly -build -debug -glibc-compat20 -glibc-omitfp (-hardened) (-multilib) -profile (-selinux)" 524 kB 


Самое интересное осталось выше.

Вот полный вывод.

define@deFINE ~ $ emerge -DNpvt world

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating world dependencies... done!
[ebuild     U ] app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1-r1 [1.0.1] USE="alsa arts* css debug dvdr dvdread emovix encode ffmpeg flac hal kde mp3 musepack sndfile vcd vorbis xinerama -musicbrainz" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -rw -se -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ] app-admin/sudo-1.6.8_p12-r1  USE="ldap* pam -offensive (-selinux) -skey" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdeadmin-3.5.7 [3.5.6] USE="arts* -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -xinerama" 2,071 kB
[ebuild   R   ] app-editors/tea-16.1.1  USE="ipv6 spell* -enchant -gnome -hacking -sounds" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ] app-emulation/wine-0.9.37  USE="X alsa cups dbus esd* hal jpeg ldap* ncurses opengl oss* xml* -jack -lcms -nas -scanner" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kopete-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r2] USE="arts autoreplace connectionstatus contactnotes crypt debug groupwise highlight history irc jingle nowlistening sametime slp sms ssl statistics texteffect translator xinerama xscreensaver -addbookmarks -alias -gadu -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -latex -netmeeting -webpresence -winpopup -yahoo" 9,151 kB
[ebuild   R   ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" 0 kB [1]
[ebuild   R   ] kde-misc/kdmtheme-1.1.3  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ] media-sound/amarok-1.4.5-r1  USE="aac arts* ipod kde mysql opengl -daap -debug -ifp -mtp -musicbrainz -njb -noamazon -postgres (-real) -visualization -xinerama" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -az -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -km -ko -lt -ms -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -rw -se -sk -sl -sq -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tg -th -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ] net-ftp/yafc-1.1.1-r1  USE="kerberos* readline -socks5" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ] www-client/links-2.1_pre28-r1  USE="X gpm jpeg png sdl* ssl tiff* unicode -directfb -fbcon -javascript -livecd (-svga)" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ] media-video/vlc-0.8.6b  USE="X a52 alsa arts* bidi cdda dts dvd esd* flac gnutls hal httpd live matroska mp3 mpeg ncurses ogg opengl oss* png sdl* stream svg* theora truetype* vcd vlm vorbis wxwindows xml* xv (-3dfx) -aalib (-altivec) -avahi -cddb -corba -daap -dc1394 -debug -directfb -dvb -fbcon -ggi -jack -libcaca -libnotify -lirc -mod -musepack -nsplugin -optimisememory -rtsp -samba -sdl-image -seamonkey -shout -skins -speex (-svga) -upnp -v4l (-win32codecs) -x264 -xinerama -xosd" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdeutils-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r1] USE="arts* crypt -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility (-pbbuttonsd) -snmp -xinerama" 2,997 kB
[ebuild   R   ] app-admin/conky-1.4.5  USE="X ipv6 truetype* -audacious (-bmpx) -hddtemp -mpd -vim-syntax" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r2] USE="arts* gphoto2 opengl pdf -debug -imlib -kdeenablefinal -openexr -povray -scanner -tetex -xinerama" 7,251 kB
[ebuild   R   ] media-gfx/gimp-2.3.16  USE="alsa dbus doc jpeg mmx pdf png python sse svg* tiff* -aalib (-altivec) -curl -debug -gnome -gtkhtml -lcms -mng -smp -wmf" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdepim-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* crypt -debug -gnokii -kdeenablefinal -xinerama" 13,835 kB
[ebuild   R   ] kde-misc/yakuake-2.8_beta1  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.7 [3.5.6] USE="alsa arts* encode* flac gstreamer* mp3 vorbis xine -akode -audiofile -debug -kdeenablefinal -theora -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-0.10.5
[nomerge      ]   media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10.12  USE="X alsa esd oss xv -debug"
[ebuild  N    ]    media-plugins/gst-plugins-esd-0.10.5  0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    media-plugins/gst-plugins-x-0.10.12  0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    media-plugins/gst-plugins-xvideo-0.10.12  0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    media-plugins/gst-plugins-oss-0.10.5  0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    media-plugins/gst-plugins-alsa-0.10.12  0 kB
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.7 [3.5.6] USE="alsa arts* encode* flac gstreamer* mp3 vorbis xine -akode -audiofile -debug -kdeenablefinal -theora -xinerama" 6,199 kB
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kde-i18n-3.5.7 [3.5.6] USE="arts* -debug -kdeenablefinal -xinerama" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -az -bg -bn -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy -ga -gl -he -hi -hr -hu -is -it -ja -kk -km -ko -lt -lv -mk -mn -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -rw -se -sk -sl -sr -sr@Latn -ss -sv -ta -tg -tr -uk -uz -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 7,224 kB
[ebuild   R   ] net-ftp/kftpgrabber-0.8.1-r1  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" LINGUAS="-bg -br -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -fr -ga -gl -hu -it -ja -ka -lt -nl -pl -pt -rw -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -tr -zh_CN" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-apps/xdm-1.1.4  USE="ipv6 pam -debug -xprint"
[nomerge      ]  x11-apps/xinit-1.0.3-r4 [1.0.3-r3] USE="-debug -minimal"
[ebuild   R   ]   x11-terms/xterm-225  USE="truetype* unicode -Xaw3d -paste64 -toolbar" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-wm/beryl-0.2.1  USE="kde -emerald -gnome"
[ebuild   R   ]  x11-wm/aquamarine-0.2.1  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-portage/cfg-update-1.8.2-r1  USE="kde -gnome"
[ebuild     U ]  dev-util/xxdiff-3.2-r1 [3.2] USE="kde python -debug%" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1-r1 [1.0.1] USE="alsa arts* css debug dvdr dvdread emovix encode ffmpeg flac hal kde mp3 musepack sndfile vcd vorbis xinerama -musicbrainz" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -rw -se -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[ebuild   R   ]  media-video/transcode-1.0.3  USE="X dvdread gtk* iconv jpeg mmx mp3 mpeg ogg quicktime sdl* sse sse2 truetype* vorbis xml* xvid -3dnow -a52 (-altivec) -dv -extrafilters -fame -imagemagick -lzo -mjpeg -network -theora -v4l2" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/libquicktime-1.0.0  USE="X aac alsa encode* gtk* jpeg lame mmx opengl png vorbis -dv -ffmpeg -x264" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/libmpeg3-1.5.2-r3  USE="mmx*" 0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    dev-lang/nasm-0.98.39-r3  USE="doc -build" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-sound/easytag-2.1-r1  USE="aac flac mp3 vorbis -wavpack"
[ebuild   R   ]  media-libs/id3lib-3.8.3-r5  USE="doc (-examples%)" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-emulation/wine-0.9.37  USE="X alsa cups dbus esd* hal jpeg ldap* ncurses opengl oss* xml* -jack -lcms -nas -scanner"
[ebuild   R   ]  media-gfx/fontforge-20070501  USE="X gif jpeg nls png svg* tiff* truetype* unicode" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-sound/amarok-1.4.5-r1  USE="aac arts* ipod kde mysql opengl -daap -debug -ifp -mtp -musicbrainz -njb -noamazon -postgres (-real) -visualization -xinerama" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -az -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -km -ko -lt -ms -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -rw -se -sk -sl -sq -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tg -th -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[ebuild   R   ]  media-libs/libgpod-0.4.2  USE="doc gtk* python" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-video/mplayer-bin-1.0_rc1-r3
[ebuild   R   ]  media-libs/win32codecs-20061022-r1  USE="quicktime real*" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-plugins/enigmail-0.95.0  LINGUAS="ru -ca -de -el -es -es_ES -fi -fr -hu -it -ja -nb -nb_NO -pl -pt -pt_BR -sl -sv -zh_CN"
[ebuild   R   ]  mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-  USE="crypt ipv6 ldap* -bindist -debug -gnome -mozdom -moznopango -replytolist -xinerama -xprint" LINGUAS="ru -be -bg -ca -cs -da -de -el -en_GB -es -es_AR -es_ES -eu -fi -fr -ga -ga_IE -hu -it -ja -lt -mk -nb -nb_NO -nl -pa -pa_IN -pl -pt -pt_BR -pt_PT -sk -sl -sv -sv_SE -tr -zh -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r2] USE="arts* gphoto2 opengl pdf -debug -imlib -kdeenablefinal -openexr -povray -scanner -tetex -xinerama"
[ebuild   R   ]  media-libs/lcms-1.16  USE="jpeg python tiff* zlib" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-gfx/gimp-2.3.16  USE="alsa dbus doc jpeg mmx pdf png python sse svg* tiff* -aalib (-altivec) -curl -debug -gnome -gtkhtml -lcms -mng -smp -wmf"
[ebuild     U ]  media-libs/libexif-0.6.15 [0.6.13-r2] USE="doc nls" 662 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r2] USE="arts* gphoto2 opengl pdf -debug -imlib -kdeenablefinal -openexr -povray -scanner -tetex -xinerama"
[ebuild   R   ]  app-text/poppler-bindings-0.5.4  USE="cairo* gtk qt3 qt4*" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   x11-libs/qt-4.3.0_rc1  USE="cups dbus doc gif jpeg mysql opengl png qt3support* ssl tiff* zlib -accessibility -debug -examples (-firebird) -glib -mng -nas -nis -odbc -pch -postgres -sqlite -sqlite3 -xinerama" INPUT_DEVICES="-wacom" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdepim-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* crypt -debug -gnokii -kdeenablefinal -xinerama"
[ebuild  N    ]  app-pda/libopensync-0.22  USE="doc python -debug" 479 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[ebuild     U ]  kde-base/kdebase-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* cups hal ieee1394 ldap* opengl pam -debug -java -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -lm_sensors -logitech-mouse -openexr -samba -xcomposite -xinerama -xscreensaver" 23,840 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   net-misc/openssh-4.6_p1-r1  USE="X kerberos* ldap* pam tcpd -X509 -chroot -hpn -libedit (-selinux) -skey -smartcard -static" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/mplayer-1.0.20070427  USE="3dnow 3dnowext X a52 aac aalib alsa amr arts bindist cddb cdparanoia cpudetection custom-cflags debug dga directfb doc dts dv dvd dvdnav dvdread enca encode esd fbcon ftp gif iconv ipv6 jpeg libcaca live livecd lzo mad md5sum mmx mmxext mp2 mp3 musepack nas openal opengl oss png pnm quicktime radio rar rtc samba sdl speex srt sse sse2 tga theora truetype unicode vorbis x264 xanim xinerama xv xvid xvmc zoran -altivec -bidi -bl -dvb -ggi -gtk -ivtv -jack -joystick -lirc -real -svga -tivo -v4l -v4l2 -vidix -win32codecs" VIDEO_CARDS="mga s3virge tdfx vesa"
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/openal-0.0.8-r1  USE="alsa arts* esd* mp3 sdl* vorbis -debug" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ]   net-fs/samba-3.0.24-r3 [3.0.24-r2] USE="acl* automount cups doc fam* kerberos* ldap* pam python readline swat winbind -async -caps -examples -oav -quotas (-selinux) -syslog" LINGUAS="-ja -pl" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/libdv-1.0.0-r2  USE="sdl* xv* -debug" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/netpbm-10.37.0  USE="jpeg jpeg2k png tiff* xml* zlib -jbig -rle (-svga)" 0 kB
[nomerge      ]  dev-python/twisted-web-0.7.0
[ebuild   R   ]   dev-python/twisted-2.5.0  USE="crypt gtk* -serial" 0 kB
[nomerge      ]  dev-python/pygame-1.7.1  USE="doc"
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/sdl-image-1.2.5-r1  USE="gif jpeg png tiff*" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/sdl-mixer-1.2.7  USE="mikmod* mp3 vorbis -timidity" 0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    media-libs/libmikmod-3.1.11-r4  USE="alsa esd oss" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.7 [3.5.6] USE="alsa arts* encode* flac gstreamer* mp3 vorbis xine -akode -audiofile -debug -kdeenablefinal -theora -xinerama"
[ebuild  N    ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-vorbis-0.10.12  0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-0.10.4-r1  704 kB
[ebuild  N    ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-0.10.5  6 kB
[ebuild  N    ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-ogg-0.10.12  0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]  media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.6  USE="X a52 aac alsa arts debug directfb dts dvd dxr3 esd fbcon flac imagemagick ipv6 libcaca mad* mmap mng modplug musepack nls opengl oss pulseaudio sdl speex theora truetype v4l vcd vorbis wavpack xcb xinerama xv xvmc -aalib (-altivec) -gnome -gtk -jack -real -samba (-vidix) (-win32codecs)" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]   media-gfx/imagemagick-6.3.3  USE="X bzip2 doc jpeg jpeg2k mpeg perl png tiff* truetype* xml* zlib -fpx -graphviz -gs -jbig -lcms -nocxx -wmf" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ]   media-sound/pulseaudio-0.9.6 [0.9.5-r4] USE="X alsa hal oss* tcpd -avahi -caps -jack -lirc" 1,131 kB
[ebuild  N    ]  media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.1.1-r4  USE="flac nls -minimal -speex" 931 kB
[ebuild  N    ]   media-libs/libao-0.8.6-r3  USE="alsa arts doc esd -mmap -nas -pulseaudio" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdepim-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* crypt -debug -gnokii -kdeenablefinal -xinerama"
[ebuild   R   ]  app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.4  USE="bzip2 doc ldap* nls -openct -pcsc-lite (-selinux) -smartcard" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/mplayer-1.0.20070427  USE="3dnow 3dnowext X a52 aac aalib alsa amr arts bindist cddb cdparanoia cpudetection custom-cflags debug dga directfb doc dts dv dvd dvdnav dvdread enca encode esd fbcon ftp gif iconv ipv6 jpeg libcaca live livecd lzo mad md5sum mmx mmxext mp2 mp3 musepack nas openal opengl oss png pnm quicktime radio rar rtc samba sdl speex srt sse sse2 tga theora truetype unicode vorbis x264 xanim xinerama xv xvid xvmc zoran -altivec -bidi -bl -dvb -ggi -gtk -ivtv -jack -joystick -lirc -real -svga -tivo -v4l -v4l2 -vidix -win32codecs" VIDEO_CARDS="mga s3virge tdfx vesa"
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/libtheora-1.0_alpha7  USE="doc encode* -examples" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[ebuild     U ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama" 15,217 kB
[nomerge      ]   app-doc/doxygen-1.5.2  USE="doc qt3 -tetex"
[ebuild   R   ]    media-gfx/graphviz-2.12  USE="X doc gtk* nls perl python -examples -gnome -pango -ruby -tcl -tk" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdepim-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* crypt -debug -gnokii -kdeenablefinal -xinerama"
[ebuild   R   ]  app-crypt/pinentry-0.7.2-r3  USE="gtk* ncurses qt3 -caps" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-sound/audacity-1.3.3  USE="flac mp3 unicode vorbis -ladspa -libsamplerate"
[ebuild   R   ]  x11-libs/wxGTK-  USE="X doc opengl sdl* unicode -debug -gnome -joystick -odbc" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]   app-doc/doxygen-1.5.2  USE="doc qt3 -tetex"
[ebuild   R   ]    app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54  USE="X cups gtk* jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]     x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.12  USE="X doc jpeg tiff* -debug -xinerama" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1-r1 [1.0.1] USE="alsa arts* css debug dvdr dvdread emovix encode ffmpeg flac hal kde mp3 musepack sndfile vcd vorbis xinerama -musicbrainz" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -rw -se -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/transcode-1.0.3  USE="X dvdread gtk* iconv jpeg mmx mp3 mpeg ogg quicktime sdl* sse sse2 truetype* vorbis xml* xvid -3dnow -a52 (-altivec) -dv -extrafilters -fame -imagemagick -lzo -mjpeg -network -theora -v4l2"
[ebuild   R   ]   media-libs/libmpeg2-0.4.1  USE="X sdl*" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/mplayer-1.0.20070427  USE="3dnow 3dnowext X a52 aac aalib alsa amr arts bindist cddb cdparanoia cpudetection custom-cflags debug dga directfb doc dts dv dvd dvdnav dvdread enca encode esd fbcon ftp gif iconv ipv6 jpeg libcaca live livecd lzo mad md5sum mmx mmxext mp2 mp3 musepack nas openal opengl oss png pnm quicktime radio rar rtc samba sdl speex srt sse sse2 tga theora truetype unicode vorbis x264 xanim xinerama xv xvid xvmc zoran -altivec -bidi -bl -dvb -ggi -gtk -ivtv -jack -joystick -lirc -real -svga -tivo -v4l -v4l2 -vidix -win32codecs" VIDEO_CARDS="mga s3virge tdfx vesa"
[ebuild   R   ]   dev-libs/DirectFB-1.0.0  USE="gif jpeg mmx png sdl* sse truetype* zlib -debug -fbcon -fusion -sysfs -v4l -v4l2" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1-r1 [1.0.1] USE="alsa arts* css debug dvdr dvdread emovix encode ffmpeg flac hal kde mp3 musepack sndfile vcd vorbis xinerama -musicbrainz" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -rw -se -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/transcode-1.0.3  USE="X dvdread gtk* iconv jpeg mmx mp3 mpeg ogg quicktime sdl* sse sse2 truetype* vorbis xml* xvid -3dnow -a52 (-altivec) -dv -extrafilters -fame -imagemagick -lzo -mjpeg -network -theora -v4l2"
[ebuild   R   ]   media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20070330  USE="X aac doc encode* ieee1394 mmx ogg oss* sdl* truetype* vorbis xvid zlib -a52 (-altivec) -amr -debug -dts -imlib -network -test -theora -threads -v4l -x264" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]    media-libs/libsdl-1.2.11-r2  USE="X alsa arts* esd* opengl oss* xv* -aalib -dga -directfb -fbcon -ggi -libcaca -nas -noaudio -noflagstrip -nojoystick -novideo (-svga) -xinerama" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]     kde-base/arts-3.5.5  USE="alsa esd* mp3 vorbis -artswrappersuid -debug -jack -kdeenablefinal -nas -xinerama" 0 kB
[nomerge      ]      x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2  USE="cups doc gif ipv6 mysql opengl -debug -examples -firebird -immqt -immqt-bc -nas -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlite -xinerama"
[ebuild   R   ]       net-print/cups-1.2.11  USE="X dbus jpeg ldap* nls pam png ssl tiff* -php -ppds* -samba -slp" 0 kB
[nomerge      ]       virtual/xft-7.0
[nomerge      ]        x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12  USE="-debug"
[ebuild   R   ]         media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2  USE="doc xml*" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-emulation/wine-0.9.37  USE="X alsa cups dbus esd* hal jpeg ldap* ncurses opengl oss* xml* -jack -lcms -nas -scanner"
[ebuild   R   ]  app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-10.0-r1  USE="arts*" 1,230 kB
[nomerge      ] media-video/nvidia-settings-1.0.20070302
[nomerge      ]  x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-1.0.9755-r1
[ebuild   R   ]   x11-base/xorg-server-  USE="dri ipv6 nptl sdl* xorg (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -kdrive -minimal -xprint" INPUT_DEVICES="evdev keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -joystick -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="apm ark chips cirrus cyrix dummy fbdev glint i128 i810 mach64 mga neomagic nv r128 radeon rendition s3 s3virge savage siliconmotion sis sisusb tdfx tga trident tseng v4l vesa vga via vmware voodoo -epson (-i740) (-impact) (-imstt) (-newport) (-nsc) -nvidia (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx)" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]    media-libs/mesa-6.5.2-r1  USE="doc nptl -debug -hardened -motif -xcb" VIDEO_CARDS="i810 mach64* mga r128* radeon* s3virge savage sis tdfx trident via -none (-sunffb)" 0 kB
[nomerge      ]     app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.0.5
[ebuild   R   ]      app-admin/eselect-1.0.9  USE="doc -bash-completion -vim-syntax%" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ]       sys-apps/file-4.21 [4.20-r1] USE="python" 538 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdebase-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* cups hal ieee1394 ldap* opengl pam -debug -java -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -lm_sensors -logitech-mouse -openexr -samba -xcomposite -xinerama -xscreensaver"
[ebuild   R   ]   dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-r2  USE="berkdb crypt gdbm kerberos* ldap* mysql pam ssl -authdaemond -java -ntlm_unsupported_patch -postgres -sample -srp -urandom" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/xine-ui-0.99.5  USE="X debug libcaca ncurses nls readline xinerama -aalib -curl -lirc -vdr"
[nomerge      ]   media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.6  USE="X a52 aac alsa arts debug directfb dts dvd dxr3 esd fbcon flac imagemagick ipv6 libcaca mad* mmap mng modplug musepack nls opengl oss pulseaudio sdl speex theora truetype v4l vcd vorbis wavpack xcb xinerama xv xvmc -aalib (-altivec) -gnome -gtk -jack -real -samba (-vidix) (-win32codecs)"
[ebuild   R   ]    media-video/vcdimager-0.7.23  USE="xml* -minimal" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.7 [3.5.6] USE="alsa arts* encode* flac gstreamer* mp3 vorbis xine -akode -audiofile -debug -kdeenablefinal -theora -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-0.10.5
[ebuild  N    ]   media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10.12  USE="X alsa esd oss xv -debug" 0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    media-libs/gstreamer-0.10.12  0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1-r1 [1.0.1] USE="alsa arts* css debug dvdr dvdread emovix encode ffmpeg flac hal kde mp3 musepack sndfile vcd vorbis xinerama -musicbrainz" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -rw -se -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[ebuild   R   ]  media-sound/sox-13.0.0  USE="alsa encode* flac mad* ogg -debug -libsamplerate -sndfile" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-video/mplayer-bin-1.0_rc1-r3
[nomerge      ]  media-libs/win32codecs-20061022-r1  USE="quicktime real*"
[ebuild  N    ]   virtual/libstdc++-3.3  0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama"
[ebuild  N    ]   app-admin/gamin-0.1.8  USE="-debug" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-video/mplayer-bin-1.0_rc1-r3
[nomerge      ]  media-libs/win32codecs-20061022-r1  USE="quicktime real*"
[ebuild  NS   ]   sys-devel/gcc-3.3.6-r1  USE="doc fortran gtk nls (-altivec) -bootstrap -boundschecking -build -gcj (-hardened) (-ip28) (-ip32r10k) (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -nopie -nossp -objc -test -vanilla" 23,534 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  dev-python/twisted-2.5.0  USE="crypt gtk* -serial"
[nomerge      ]   dev-python/pygtk-2.10.4  USE="doc opengl -examples"
[nomerge      ]    gnome-base/libglade-2.6.0  USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge      ]     dev-libs/atk-1.12.4  USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge      ]      dev-libs/glib-2.12.11  USE="doc -debug -hardened"
[ebuild     U ]       sys-libs/glibc-2.5-r3 [2.5-r2] USE="nls nptl nptlonly -build -debug -glibc-compat20 -glibc-omitfp (-hardened) (-multilib) -profile (-selinux)" 524 kB
[ebuild   R   ] media-sound/alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc3  USE="midi oss* -debug" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000 atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m maestro3 trident usb-audio via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci -ad1816a -ad1848 -ad1848-lib -ad1889 -adlib -als100 -als300 (-aoa) (-aoa-fabric-layout) (-aoa-onyx) (-aoa-soundbus) (-aoa-soundbus-i2s) (-aoa-tas) (-aoa-toonie) (-armaaci) -asihpi (-at91-soc) (-at91-soc-eti-b1-wm8731) (-au1x00) -au8810 -au8820 -au8830 -azt2320 -azt3328 -cmi8330 -cs4231 -cs4231-lib -cs4232 -cs4236 -cs4281 -cs46xx (-cs5535audio) -darla20 -darla24 -dt019x -dummy -echo3g -emu10k1 -es1688 -es18xx -es968 -fm801-tea575x -gina20 -gina24 -gusclassic -gusextreme -gusmax (-harmony) -hdsp -hdspm -ice1712 -ice1724 -indigo -indigodj -indigoio -interwave -interwave-stb -korg1212 -layla20 -layla24 -loopback -mia -miro -mixart -mona -mpu401 -msnd-pinnacle -mtpav -mts64 -nm256 -opl3sa2 -opti92x-ad1848 -opti92x-cs4231 -opti93x -pc98-cs4232 -pcsp -pcxhr -pdaudiocf -pdplus -portman2x4 (-powermac) (-pxa2xx-i2sound) (-pxa2xx-soc) (-pxa2xx-soc-corgi) (-pxa2xx-soc-poodle) (-pxa2xx-soc-spitz) (-pxa2xx-soc-tosa) -riptide -rme32 -rme96 -rme9652 -s3c2410 -sa11xx-uda1341 -sb16 -sb8 -sbawe -seq-dummy -serial-u16550 -sgalaxy -soc -sonicvibes -sscape (-sun-amd7930) (-sun-cs4231) (-sun-dbri) -usb-usx2y -virmidi -vx222 -vxpocket -wavefront" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]   app-text/aspell-0.60.5  USE="gpm nls"
[ebuild  N    ]    app-dicts/aspell-ru-0.99.1  418 kB
[nomerge      ] app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1-r1 [1.0.1] USE="alsa arts* css debug dvdr dvdread emovix encode ffmpeg flac hal kde mp3 musepack sndfile vcd vorbis xinerama -musicbrainz" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -rw -se -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/transcode-1.0.3  USE="X dvdread gtk* iconv jpeg mmx mp3 mpeg ogg quicktime sdl* sse sse2 truetype* vorbis xml* xvid -3dnow -a52 (-altivec) -dv -extrafilters -fame -imagemagick -lzo -mjpeg -network -theora -v4l2"
[nomerge      ]   sys-apps/portage-  USE="doc -build -epydoc -selinux" LINGUAS="-pl"
[ebuild   R   ]    net-misc/rsync-2.6.9-r2  USE="acl* ipv6 -static -xinetd" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]  media-sound/normalize-0.7.7  USE="mad* nls -audiofile" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]  app-cdr/cdrdao-1.2.2  USE="encode* -debug -gnome -pccts" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-sound/alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc3  USE="midi oss* -debug" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000 atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m maestro3 trident usb-audio via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci -ad1816a -ad1848 -ad1848-lib -ad1889 -adlib -als100 -als300 (-aoa) (-aoa-fabric-layout) (-aoa-onyx) (-aoa-soundbus) (-aoa-soundbus-i2s) (-aoa-tas) (-aoa-toonie) (-armaaci) -asihpi (-at91-soc) (-at91-soc-eti-b1-wm8731) (-au1x00) -au8810 -au8820 -au8830 -azt2320 -azt3328 -cmi8330 -cs4231 -cs4231-lib -cs4232 -cs4236 -cs4281 -cs46xx (-cs5535audio) -darla20 -darla24 -dt019x -dummy -echo3g -emu10k1 -es1688 -es18xx -es968 -fm801-tea575x -gina20 -gina24 -gusclassic -gusextreme -gusmax (-harmony) -hdsp -hdspm -ice1712 -ice1724 -indigo -indigodj -indigoio -interwave -interwave-stb -korg1212 -layla20 -layla24 -loopback -mia -miro -mixart -mona -mpu401 -msnd-pinnacle -mtpav -mts64 -nm256 -opl3sa2 -opti92x-ad1848 -opti92x-cs4231 -opti93x -pc98-cs4232 -pcsp -pcxhr -pdaudiocf -pdplus -portman2x4 (-powermac) (-pxa2xx-i2sound) (-pxa2xx-soc) (-pxa2xx-soc-corgi) (-pxa2xx-soc-poodle) (-pxa2xx-soc-spitz) (-pxa2xx-soc-tosa) -riptide -rme32 -rme96 -rme9652 -s3c2410 -sa11xx-uda1341 -sb16 -sb8 -sbawe -seq-dummy -serial-u16550 -sgalaxy -soc -sonicvibes -sscape (-sun-amd7930) (-sun-cs4231) (-sun-dbri) -usb-usx2y -virmidi -vx222 -vxpocket -wavefront"
[ebuild  NS   ]  sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.21-r2  USE="-build -symlink" 197 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdepim-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* crypt -debug -gnokii -kdeenablefinal -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]  app-pda/libopensync-0.22  USE="doc python -debug"
[ebuild  N    ]   dev-db/sqlite-3.3.17  USE="doc -debug -nothreadsafe -soundex -tcl" 2,062 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    dev-lang/tcl-8.4.14  USE="-debug -threads" 3,462 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama"
[ebuild  N    ]   app-dicts/aspell-en-6.0.0  179 kB
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.7 [3.5.6] USE="alsa arts* encode* flac gstreamer* mp3 vorbis xine -akode -audiofile -debug -kdeenablefinal -theora -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]  media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.1.1-r4  USE="flac nls -minimal -speex"
[ebuild   R   ]   net-misc/curl-7.15.5  USE="ipv6 kerberos* ldap* ssl -ares -gnutls -idn -test (-krb4%)" 0 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    net-nds/openldap-2.3.35-r1  USE="berkdb crypt gdbm ipv6 kerberos perl readline ssl tcpd -debug -minimal -odbc -overlays -samba -sasl (-selinux) -slp -smbkrb5passwd" 3,707 kB
[ebuild  N    ]     app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.5.2-r2  USE="doc ipv6 -krb4 -tcl" 9,857 kB
[nomerge      ] media-sound/amarok-1.4.5-r1  USE="aac arts* ipod kde mysql opengl -daap -debug -ifp -mtp -musicbrainz -njb -noamazon -postgres (-real) -visualization -xinerama" LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -az -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -es -et -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -km -ko -lt -ms -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -rw -se -sk -sl -sq -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tg -th -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[nomerge      ]  dev-db/mysql-5.0.40  USE="berkdb perl ssl -big-tables -cluster -debug -embedded -extraengine -latin1 -max-idx-128 -minimal -selinux -static"
[nomerge      ]   dev-perl/DBD-mysql-4.00.4-r1
[ebuild     U ]    dev-perl/DBI-1.56 [1.55] 472 kB
[ebuild     U ]     dev-perl/PlRPC-0.2019 [0.2018] 36 kB
[ebuild     U ]      dev-perl/Net-Daemon-0.41 [0.39] 56 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdebase-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r3] USE="arts* cups hal ieee1394 ldap* opengl pam -debug -java -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -lm_sensors -logitech-mouse -openexr -samba -xcomposite -xinerama -xscreensaver"
[nomerge      ]   media-libs/mesa-6.5.2-r1  USE="doc nptl -debug -hardened -motif -xcb" VIDEO_CARDS="i810 mach64* mga r128* radeon* s3virge savage sis tdfx trident via -none (-sunffb)"
[ebuild     U ]    x11-misc/makedepend-1.0.1 [1.0.0] USE="-debug" 106 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/mplayer-1.0.20070427  USE="3dnow 3dnowext X a52 aac aalib alsa amr arts bindist cddb cdparanoia cpudetection custom-cflags debug dga directfb doc dts dv dvd dvdnav dvdread enca encode esd fbcon ftp gif iconv ipv6 jpeg libcaca live livecd lzo mad md5sum mmx mmxext mp2 mp3 musepack nas openal opengl oss png pnm quicktime radio rar rtc samba sdl speex srt sse sse2 tga theora truetype unicode vorbis x264 xanim xinerama xv xvid xvmc zoran -altivec -bidi -bl -dvb -ggi -gtk -ivtv -jack -joystick -lirc -real -svga -tivo -v4l -v4l2 -vidix -win32codecs" VIDEO_CARDS="mga s3virge tdfx vesa";
[ebuild   R   ]   media-sound/lame-3.97  USE="gtk* -debug -mp3rtp" 0 kB
[ebuild  NS   ]    x11-libs/gtk+-1.2.10-r12  USE="nls -debug" LINGUAS="ru -az -ca -cs -da -de -el -es -et -eu -fi -fr -ga -gl -hr -hu -it -ja -ko -lt -nl -nn -no -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -sk -sl -sr -sv -tr -uk -vi" 2,881 kB
[ebuild  NS   ]     dev-libs/glib-1.2.10-r5  USE="-hardened" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.19-r5  USE="-build -symlink"
[ebuild     U ]  sys-fs/udev-111-r3 [111] USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB
[nomerge      ]   sys-apps/baselayout-1.12.10-r4  USE="unicode -bootstrap -build -static"
[ebuild   R   ]    sys-apps/coreutils-6.9-r1  USE="acl* nls (-selinux) -static -xattr" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama"
[ebuild  N    ]   sys-apps/acl-2.2.39-r1  USE="nls -nfs" 120 kB
[ebuild  N    ]    sys-apps/attr-2.4.32  USE="nls" 79 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/xine-ui-0.99.5  USE="X debug libcaca ncurses nls readline xinerama -aalib -curl -lirc -vdr"
[nomerge      ]   media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.6  USE="X a52 aac alsa arts debug directfb dts dvd dxr3 esd fbcon flac imagemagick ipv6 libcaca mad* mmap mng modplug musepack nls opengl oss pulseaudio sdl speex theora truetype v4l vcd vorbis wavpack xcb xinerama xv xvmc -aalib (-altivec) -gnome -gtk -jack -real -samba (-vidix) (-win32codecs)"
[ebuild   R   ]    media-libs/a52dec-0.7.4-r5  USE="oss* -djbfft" 0 kB
[ebuild   R   ]    media-libs/libdts-0.0.2-r5  USE="oss* -debug" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama"
[ebuild  N    ]   app-text/aspell-0.60.5  USE="gpm nls" 1,714 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-apps/xdm-1.1.4  USE="ipv6 pam -debug -xprint"
[ebuild     U ]  x11-apps/xinit-1.0.3-r4 [1.0.3-r3] USE="-debug -minimal" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-admin/sudo-1.6.8_p12-r1  USE="ldap* pam -offensive (-selinux) -skey"
[ebuild   R   ]  app-editors/nano-2.0.6  USE="ncurses nls spell* unicode -debug -justify -minimal -slang" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-emulation/wine-0.9.37  USE="X alsa cups dbus esd* hal jpeg ldap* ncurses opengl oss* xml* -jack -lcms -nas -scanner"
[nomerge      ]  app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-10.0-r1  USE="arts*"
[ebuild     U ]   sys-apps/findutils-4.3.6 [4.3.4] USE="nls (-selinux) -static" 1,711 kB
[nomerge      ]  sys-devel/bison-2.3  USE="nls -static"
[ebuild   R   ]   sys-devel/m4-1.4.9  USE="nls -examples%" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  dev-python/imaging-1.1.6  USE="X doc -examples -scanner -tk"
[ebuild   R   ]   media-gfx/xv-3.10a-r12  USE="jpeg png tiff*" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/polyester-1.0  USE="arts* -debug -xinerama" [1]
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.7 [3.5.6-r9] USE="acl* alsa arts* cups doc fam* jpeg2k kerberos* spell* tiff* -avahi -branding -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -legacyssl -lua -openexr -utempter -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]   app-doc/doxygen-1.5.2  USE="doc qt3 -tetex"
[nomerge      ]    media-gfx/graphviz-2.12  USE="X doc gtk* nls perl python -examples -gnome -pango -ruby -tcl -tk"
[ebuild   R   ]     media-libs/gd-2.0.34  USE="jpeg png truetype* -fontconfig -xpm" 0 kB
[nomerge      ] app-office/openoffice-bin-2.2.0  USE="kde -gnome -java" LINGUAS="ru -af -as_IN -be_BY -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -dz -el -en -en_GB -en_ZA -eo -es -et -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -gu_IN -he -hi_IN -hr -hu -it -ja -km -ko -ku -lt -mk -ml_IN -mr_IN -nb -ne -nl -nn -nr -ns -or_IN -pa_IN -pl -pt -pt_BR -rw -sh_YU -sk -sl -sr_CS -ss -st -sv -sw_TZ -ta_IN -te_IN -tg -th -ti_ER -tn -tr -ts -uk -ur_IN -ve -vi -xh -zh_CN -zh_TW -zu"
[nomerge      ]  app-admin/eselect-oodict-20061117
[nomerge      ]   app-admin/eselect-1.0.9  USE="doc -bash-completion -vim-syntax%"
[nomerge      ]    sys-apps/coreutils-6.9-r1  USE="acl* nls (-selinux) -static -xattr"
[ebuild     U ]     sys-apps/man-pages-2.50 [2.48] USE="nls" 1,755 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  dev-python/pygame-1.7.1  USE="doc"
[nomerge      ]   media-libs/sdl-image-1.2.5-r1  USE="gif jpeg png tiff*"
[nomerge      ]    media-libs/libpng-1.2.18  USE="doc"
[ebuild   R   ]     sys-libs/zlib-1.2.3-r1  USE="(-build%)" 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] app-portage/eix-0.9.7 [0.9.6] USE="-sqlite" 361 kB
[nomerge      ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1  USE="X dvd encode* nls -directfb -lirc -matrox"
[nomerge      ]  media-video/xine-ui-0.99.5  USE="X debug libcaca ncurses nls readline xinerama -aalib -curl -lirc -vdr"
[nomerge      ]   media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.6  USE="X a52 aac alsa arts debug directfb dts dvd dxr3 esd fbcon flac imagemagick ipv6 libcaca mad* mmap mng modplug musepack nls opengl oss pulseaudio sdl speex theora truetype v4l vcd vorbis wavpack xcb xinerama xv xvmc -aalib (-altivec) -gnome -gtk -jack -real -samba (-vidix) (-win32codecs)"
[nomerge      ]    media-sound/pulseaudio-0.9.6 [0.9.5-r4] USE="X alsa hal oss* tcpd -avahi -caps -jack -lirc"
[ebuild  N    ]     dev-libs/libatomic_ops-1.2  180 kB
[nomerge      ] www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-  LINGUAS="ru -af -ar -be -bg -ca -cs -da -de -el -en_GB -es -es_AR -es_ES -eu -fi -fr -fy -fy_NL -ga -ga_IE -gu -gu_IN -he -hu -it -ja -ka -ko -ku -lt -mk -mn -nb -nb_NO -nl -nn -nn_NO -pa -pa_IN -pl -pt -pt_BR -pt_PT -sk -sl -sv -sv_SE -tr -zh -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[ebuild  N    ]  app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat-1.0-r3  0 kB
[blocks B     ] =sys-devel/gcc-3.3* (is blocking app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat-1.0-r3)

Total: 129 packages (25 upgrades, 29 new, 4 in new slots, 71 reinstalls, 1 block), Size of downloads: 146,858 kB
Portage overlays:
 [1] /usr/local/portage

Quote: [nomerge ]

[nomerge ] media-video/mplayer-bin-1.0_rc1-r3
[nomerge ] media-libs/win32codecs-20061022-r1 USE="quicktime real*"
[ebuild NS ] sys-devel/gcc-3.3.6-r1

Похоже баг. Поищите в багзилле что-нибудь на эту тему...

Забыл сказать.

Да, забыл сказать, что перед попыткой обновления я обновил профайл на
[6] default-linux/amd64/2007.0/desktop *

Было замечено.

Еще заметил странную вещь. В какой-то момент перестали выполняться некоторые приложения (skype, firefox) с ошибкой: "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". При попытке собрать libstdc++ тянется тот самый gcc-3.*:

define@deFINE ~ $ emerge -avt libstdc++

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R   ] virtual/libstdc++-3.3  0 kB
[ebuild  NS   ]  sys-devel/gcc-3.3.6-r1  USE="doc fortran gtk nls (-altivec) -bootstrap -boundschecking -build -gcj (-hardened) (-ip28) (-ip32r10k) (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -nopie -nossp -objc -test -vanilla" 0 kB

Спросил у знакомого что за косяк, он ответил, что много раз уже такое было и он это решал пересборкой мира с лив сд... Но до таких крайностей не хочется доводить.

У меня тоже

У меня тоже кто-то потянул каку недавно, разбираться не стал решил так:
1) Посатвил руками
2) прописал в /etc/portage/profile/package.provided:

проблем не заметил пока, всё компилиться нормально и запускается, пакет больше не просит никто.

Re: У меня тоже

2) прописал в /etc/portage/profile/package.provided:

А что это за файлик такой?

man portage:

man portage:
A list of packages (one per line) that portage should assume have
been provided. Useful for porting to non-Linux systems. Portage
will not attempt to update a package that is listed here unless
another package explicitly requires a version that is newer than
what has been listed. Basically, it's a list that replaces the
emerge --inject syntax.

For example, if you manage your own copy of a 2.6 kernel, then
you can tell portage that 'sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.7'
is already taken care of and it should get off your back about

Если коротко, то файл содержит список пакетов поставленных в обход портеджей. Т.е в данном случае мы обманываем систему, заставляем думать что пакет данной версии установлен самостоятельно. Вреда от этого для меня лично не было, т.к требуется он повидимому по ошибке, библиотеки совместимости стоят, как я уже написал выше.

нетолько, если

нетолько, если пакет уже есть - он небудет обновляться до того момента как комунибудь понадобиться версия выше чем тут указано

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