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Собираю setools
* Building of Python bindings from libapol/swig/python directory with CPython 2.7
make -j16 SWIG_PYTHON_CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include/python2.7 PYTHON_LDFLAGS=-lpython2.7 pyexecdir=/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages pythondir=/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
/usr/bin/swig -python -o apol_wrap.c -I../../../libapol/include -I../../../libqpol/swig ../apol.i
../apol.i:276: Warning 504: Function apol_ip::apol_ip_t(char const *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:279: Warning 521: Illegal destructor name apol_ip::~apol_ip_t(). Ignored.
../apol.i:308: Warning 504: Function apol_vector::apol_vector_t() must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:311: Warning 504: Function apol_vector::apol_vector_t(qpol_iterator_t *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:314: Warning 504: Function apol_vector::apol_vector_t(apol_vector_t *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:317: Warning 504: Function apol_vector::apol_vector_t(apol_vector_t *,apol_vector_t *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:329: Warning 521: Illegal destructor name apol_vector::~apol_vector_t(). Ignored.
../apol.i:384: Warning 504: Function apol_string_vector::apol_string_vector_t() must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:387: Warning 504: Function apol_string_vector::apol_string_vector_t(apol_string_vector_t *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:390: Warning 504: Function apol_string_vector::apol_string_vector_t(apol_string_vector_t *,apol_string_vector_t *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:402: Warning 521: Illegal destructor name apol_string_vector::~apol_string_vector_t(). Ignored.
../apol.i:474: Warning 504: Function apol_policy_path::apol_policy_path_t(apol_policy_path_type_e,char *,apol_string_vector_t *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:484: Warning 504: Function apol_policy_path::apol_policy_path_t(char *) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:494: Warning 504: Function apol_policy_path::apol_policy_path_t(char *,int) must have a return type. Ignored.
../apol.i:504: Warning 504: Function apol_policy_path::apol_policy_path_t(apol_policy_path_t *) must have a return type. Ignored.
и так далее много ворнингов, что в итоге приводит к
apol_wrap.c:5325:33: error: conflicting types for 'apol_types_relation_result_get_transflowsBA'
../../../libapol/include/apol/types-relation-analysis.h:324:30: note: previous declaration of 'apol_types_relation_result_get_transflowsBA' was here
apol_wrap.c:5328:33: error: conflicting types for 'apol_types_relation_result_get_domainsAB'
../../../libapol/include/apol/types-relation-analysis.h:339:30: note: previous declaration of 'apol_types_relation_result_get_domainsAB' was here
apol_wrap.c:5331:33: error: conflicting types for 'apol_types_relation_result_get_domainsBA'
../../../libapol/include/apol/types-relation-analysis.h:354:30: note: previous declaration of 'apol_types_relation_result_get_domainsBA' was here
apol_wrap.c:5334:31: error: conflicting types for 'apol_types_relation_access_get_type'
../../../libapol/include/apol/types-relation-analysis.h:363:28: note: previous declaration of 'apol_types_relation_access_get_type' was here
apol_wrap.c:5337:33: error: conflicting types for 'apol_types_relation_access_get_rules'
../../../libapol/include/apol/types-relation-analysis.h:374:30: note: previous declaration of 'apol_types_relation_access_get_rules' was here
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3/work/setools-3.3.7/libapol/swig/python-2.7'
make: *** [all] Error 2
emake failed
* ERROR: app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3 failed (compile phase):
* Building of Python bindings from libapol/swig/python directory with CPython 2.7 failed
* Call stack:
*, line 85: Called src_compile
* environment, line 7136: Called python_execute_function '--action-message' 'Building of Python bindings from libapol/swig/python directory with $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version)' '--failure-message' 'Building of Python bindings from libapol/swig/python directory with $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version) failed' '-s' '--source-dir' 'libapol/swig/python' 'building'
* environment, line 5456: Called die
* The specific snippet of code:
* die "${failure_message}";
* If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3'`,
* the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3'`.
!!! When you file a bug report, please include the following information:
and of course, the output of emerge --info
* The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3/temp/build.log'.
* The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3/temp/environment'.
* Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3/work/setools-3.3.7/libapol/swig/python-2.7'
* S: '/var/tmp/portage/app-admin/setools-3.3.7-r3/work/setools-3.3.7'
Ошибка возникает только если собирать с поддержкой python.
В мане на говорится о несовместимости с python3, но используется как раз 2.7
eselect python list
Available Python interpreters:
[1] python2.7 *
[2] python3.2
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приступ параной в генте хорош, когда подкреплен кармой и инстинктом "чего делать, если ниче не идет" и знанием , что Сфифт - это писатель не про гулливера ;)
Ну ана вопрос что делать - однозначно рапортоватся
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