Aladdin 16 сентября, 2010 - 15:50
по мотивам
сделал ебилд из adobe-flash-
cat /var/portage/local/www-plugins/adobe-flash-square/adobe-flash-square-091510_p1.ebuild # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-plugins/adobe-flash/adobe-flash-,v 1.1 2010/07/20 14:49:58 lack Exp $ EAPI=1 inherit nsplugins multilib toolchain-funcs MY_32B_URI="" MY_64B_URI="" DESCRIPTION="Adobe Flash Player Square" SRC_URI="x86? ( ${MY_32B_URI} ) amd64? ( multilib? ( 32bit? ( ${MY_32B_URI} ) 64bit? ( ${MY_64B_URI} ) ) !multilib? ( ${MY_64B_URI} ) )" HOMEPAGE="" IUSE="multilib +32bit +64bit" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86" #LICENSE="AdobeFlash-10" RESTRICT="strip mirror" S="${WORKDIR}" NATIVE_DEPS="x11-libs/gtk+:2 media-libs/fontconfig dev-libs/nss net-misc/curl >=sys-libs/glibc-2.4" EMUL_DEPS=">=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220 app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs" RDEPEND="x86? ( $NATIVE_DEPS ) amd64? ( multilib? ( 64bit? ( $NATIVE_DEPS ) 32bit? ( $EMUL_DEPS ) ) !multilib? ( $NATIVE_DEPS ) ) || ( media-fonts/liberation-fonts media-fonts/corefonts )" # Where should this all go? (Bug #328639) INSTALL_BASE="opt/Adobe/flash-player" # Ignore QA warnings in these binary closed-source libraries, since we can't fix # them: QA_EXECSTACK="${INSTALL_BASE}32/ ${INSTALL_BASE}/" QA_DT_HASH="${INSTALL_BASE}32/ ${INSTALL_BASE}/" pkg_setup() { if use x86; then export native_install=1 elif use amd64; then # amd64 users may unselect the native 64bit binary, if they choose if ! use multilib || use 64bit; then export native_install=1 # 64bit flash requires the 'lahf' instruction (bug #268336) # Also, check if *any* of the processors are affected (bug #286159) if grep '^flags' /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qv 'lahf_lm'; then export need_lahf_wrapper=1 else unset need_lahf_wrapper fi else unset native_install fi if use multilib && ! use 32bit && ! use 64bit; then eerror "You must select at least one library USE flag (32bit or 64bit)" die "No library version selected [-32bit -64bit]" fi fi } src_compile() { if [[ $need_lahf_wrapper ]]; then # This experimental wrapper, from Maks Verver via bug #268336 should # emulate the missing lahf instruction affected platforms. $(tc-getCC) -fPIC -shared -nostdlib -lc \ "${FILESDIR}/flashplugin-lahf-fix.c" \ || die "Compile of failed" fi } src_install() { if [[ $native_install ]]; then # 32b RPM has things hidden in funny places use x86 && pushd "${S}/usr/lib/flash-plugin" exeinto /${INSTALL_BASE} doexe inst_plugin /${INSTALL_BASE}/ use x86 && popd # 64b tarball has no readme file. use x86 && dodoc "${S}/usr/share/doc/flash-plugin-${PV}/readme.txt" fi if [[ $need_lahf_wrapper ]]; then # This experimental wrapper, from Maks Verver via bug #268336 should # emulate the missing lahf instruction affected platforms. exeinto /${INSTALL_BASE} doexe inst_plugin /${INSTALL_BASE}/ fi if use amd64 && has_multilib_profile && use 32bit; then oldabi="${ABI}" ABI="x86" # 32b plugin pushd "${S}/usr/lib/flash-plugin" exeinto /${INSTALL_BASE}32/ doexe inst_plugin /${INSTALL_BASE}32/ dodoc "${S}/usr/share/doc/flash-plugin-${PV}/readme.txt" popd ABI="${oldabi}" fi # The magic config file! insinto "/etc/adobe" doins "${FILESDIR}/mms.cfg" } pkg_postinst() { if use amd64; then if has_version 'www-plugins/nspluginwrapper'; then if [[ $native_install ]]; then # TODO: Perhaps parse the output of 'nspluginwrapper -l' # However, the 64b flash plugin makes 'nspluginwrapper -l' segfault. local FLASH_WRAPPER="${ROOT}/usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins/" if [[ -f ${FLASH_WRAPPER} ]]; then einfo "Removing duplicate 32-bit plugin wrapper: Native 64-bit plugin installed" nspluginwrapper -r "${FLASH_WRAPPER}" fi if [[ $need_lahf_wrapper ]]; then ewarn "Your processor does not support the 'lahf' instruction which is used" ewarn "by Adobe's 64-bit flash binary. We have installed a wrapper which" ewarn "should allow this plugin to run. If you encounter problems, please" ewarn "adjust your USE flags to install only the 32-bit version and reinstall:" ewarn " ${CATEGORY}/$PN[+32bit -64bit]" fi else oldabi="${ABI}" ABI="x86" local FLASH_SOURCE="${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PLUGINS_DIR}/" einfo "nspluginwrapper detected: Installing plugin wrapper" nspluginwrapper -i "${FLASH_SOURCE}" ABI="${oldabi}" fi elif [[ ! $native_install ]]; then einfo "To use the 32-bit flash player in a native 64-bit firefox," einfo "you must install www-plugins/nspluginwrapper" fi fi ewarn "Flash player is closed-source, and this version has a known major" ewarn "security vulnerability[1]. Please consider only running flash applets" ewarn "you know to be safe. The 'flashblock' extension may help for" ewarn "mozilla users:" ewarn "" ewarn ewarn "[1]" }
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По хорошему это версия
По хорошему это версия Наверно не плохо было бы в названии ебилда это использовать.
это никак не отражено в
это никак не отражено в названии архива ;)
да и все равно пока еще бета.
да и все равно кривее 10.0.42* падает везде.
P.S.: Linux - это красная таблетка :-) Windows - синяя...
да и все равно на ебилд :)
да и все равно на ебилд :) ведь можно просто кинуть .so куда надо и все.