старт net.eth0 при загрузке

При загрузке ноута стартует net.eth0, хотя делать этого, по идее, не должен :)
Причем два раза пытается стартовать.

сам net.eth0 не стоит в списке стартующих:
# rc-update show
gpm | default
xdm | default
fsck | boot
hald | default
mtab | boot
root | boot
swap | boot
keymaps | boot
local | default nonetwork
iptables | default
localmount | boot
consolefont | boot
modules | boot
hostname | boot
fbcondecor | default
net.lo | boot
procfs | boot
sysctl | boot
urandom | boot
termencoding | boot
hwclock | boot
bootmisc | boot
alsasound | default

в чем может быть причина?


From /etc/conf.d/rc


# RC_NET_STRICT_CHECKING allows some flexibility with the 'net' service.
# The following values are allowed:
# none - The 'net' service is always considered up.
# no - This basically means that at least one net.* service besides net.lo
# must be up. This can be used by notebook users that have a wifi and
# a static nic, and only wants one up at any given time to have the
# 'net' service seen as up.
# lo - This is the same as the 'no' option, but net.lo is also counted.
# This should be useful to people that do not care about any specific
# interface being up at boot.
# yes - For this ALL network interfaces MUST be up for the 'net' service to
# be considered up.



RC_PLUG_SERVICES="!net.*" помогло, спасибо


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